Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Tumblr for Business: Using Tumblr to Leverage Social Buzz and Develop a Brand Awareness Strategy for Your Business (Give Your Marketing a Digital Edge) by Gabriela Taylor

Tumblr for Business: Using Tumblr to Leverage Social Buzz and Develop a Brand Awareness Strategy for Your Business (Give Your Marketing a Digital Edge) by Gabriela Taylor

Tumblr for Business: Using Tumblr to Leverage Social Buzz and Develop a Brand Awareness Strategy for Your Business (Give Your Marketing a Digital Edge)

Tumblr for Business: Using Tumblr to Leverage Social Buzz and Develop a Brand Awareness Strategy for Your Business (Give Your Marketing a Digital Edge) by Gabriela Taylor PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The world is changing. The way we do business, the way we shop, the way we socialize and the way we run successful marketing campaigns In Tumblr for Business, Gabriela Taylor, an expert in online marketing and social media, shows you not only how Tumblr can be used to showcase your brand to a worldwide audience, but also how to create social buzz and take your business to the next level. Amazon reviewer Andrew David states, "Gabriela Taylor really knows how to keep things simple but detailed, which I liked because I did not know what I was doing at the start." If your customer demographics skew young, your business and Tumblr could be a perfect match, since half of Tumblr's users are under 25. There are 100+ million Tumblr blogs and only 67+ million sites running on WordPress. The popular website, valued at $1 billion plus, allows the use of multimedia and can brag of 13 billion global page views in just one recent month and 75 million posts daily. "This book is really a soup to nuts guide on how to register for and set up a Tumblr blog to advanced Tumblr marketing strategies for your product or service," says Amazon reviewer Jennie Zahn. "Gabriela Taylor also provides other ways to use Tumblr to make money. Is it the ultimate guide? I'd have to say Yes. It's the best guide I've read for Tumblr. There's a thoughtful comparison of Tumblr and other social media sites like Facebook & Twitter." Zahn also liked the "step-by-step instructions to set up and enhance a Tumblr site. There's also great information on how to integrate other tools and features with Tumblr. . . .I thought the best part covered advanced strategies and monetization. Taylor writes clearly and is obviously an expert Tumblr user. I also think the book is underpriced for what you get. I'd highly recommend it for anyone considering using Tumblr at any level."

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Tumblr for Business: Using Tumblr to Leverage Social Buzz and Develop a Brand Awareness Strategy for Your Business (Give Your Marketing a Digital Edge) by Gabriela Taylor EPub

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