Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ The Gospel of Thomas in English, Haitian Creole and French

The Gospel of Thomas in English, Haitian Creole and French

The Gospel of Thomas in English, Haitian Creole and French

The Gospel of Thomas in English, Haitian Creole and French PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Gospel of Thomas was discovered in 1945 with a cache of books in Nag Hammadi, Egypt. The Christian and Gnostic books had been hidden on a hillside for 1,600 years. As book burnings spread in the Church in the late 4th century, an unknown monastic hid these scrolls for safe-keeping. The Gospel of Thomas is of immense value because it dates from the same period as the canonical gospels and because it is a remarkable record of what numerous scholars claim are the actual teachings of Jesus. The introduction synthesizes the leading exegetical and historical research in a bilingual Haitian Creole and English facing-page format. The text of The Gospel of Thomas appears in a trilingual facing-page format. This book is designed for general readers, students and scholars of English, Haitian Creole and French. This volume is an excellent tool for accelerated learning and for diving into the depth of the Apostle Thomas' tradition. Dr. Hans-Gebhard Bethge's widely praised English translation appears in an updated version. The Haitian Creole and French translations are based upon Dr. Bethge's English text. The Haitian Creole translation appears for the first time in print.

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