Unjust Legality: A Critique of Habermas's Philosophy of Law (New Critical Theory) by James L. Marsh
Unjust Legality: A Critique of Habermas's Philosophy of Law (New Critical Theory) by James L. Marsh PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book is an interpretation and critique of Habermas's philosophy of law in his Between Facts and Norms. The main point is that, while Habermas is insightful in laying out a new conceptual and methodological foundation for the philosophy of law, the book is flawed by a fundamental contradiction: that between the notion of a democracy ruled by law and capitalism. Because capitalism is essentially undemocratic both in its internal economic workings and its intended, structural effect on culture and politics, it must adversely affect the most important institutions in western democratic society, the legislature, judiciary, state administration, and public sphere. As a result, instead of a nation effectively 'of, by, and for the people,' there exists one that is essentially 'of, by, and for capital.'From reader reviews:
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