Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Battletech Wars of Reaving (Battletech Sourcebooks) by Ben H Rome, Herbert A Beas II, Paul Sjardijn

Battletech Wars of Reaving (Battletech Sourcebooks) by Ben H Rome, Herbert A Beas II, Paul Sjardijn

Battletech Wars of Reaving (Battletech Sourcebooks)

Battletech Wars of Reaving (Battletech Sourcebooks) by Ben H Rome, Herbert A Beas II, Paul Sjardijn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

As the Word of Blake unleashed their Jihad, one enemy of the Inner Sphere remained in the shadows, riven by internal strife and dissent. As political and military alliances among the children of Nicholas Kerensky are broken and forged, the Clans turn inward as one Clann unleashes the unthinkable upon the rest. A war that reaches deep into the bloodlines of each; none are untouched. Those who survive will not speak of it. A war of Reaving. The Clans will never be the same. Wars of Reaving details the long-sought happenings of the Clans after the results of the Great Refusal through the end of the Jihad, compiled from detailed reports culled from each of the Clans and others. Included within are personalities, equipment, units, and factions that all had a hand in the upheaval that enveloped the Homeworlds, changing them forever.

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