Hollywood Picks the Classics: A Guide for the Beginner and the Aficionado by Afton Fraser
Hollywood Picks the Classics: A Guide for the Beginner and the Aficionado by Afton Fraser PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Afton Fraser, a classic film aficionado, is constantly asked for her suggestions on which movies to see, which inspired her to create this lively guide. HOLLYWOOD PICKS THE CLASSICS focuses on the movies of the Golden Age - 1930 to 1960 - breaks down the movies into categories such as Film Noir and Romance, and gives the must-sees in each category. Also included is a 'yearbook' of the stars and directors from the movies described, and their top movies. More than just the traditional video guide, what makes it truly unique is the inclusion of dozens of 'top ten favourite' lists from Hollywood stars, directors, and writers - it's like having Michael Caine standing with you in the rental store telling you what you should see. An introduction by screen legend Esther Williams tells what it means to have worked in Hollywood during that time. Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of pictures, many of which have never been seen, jam-packed with information, HOLLYWOOD PICKS THE CLASSICS is an entertaining and visually exciting guide for the film novice as well as the film buff.From reader reviews:
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