The Everything Toddler Activities Book: Games And Projects That Entertain And Educate (Everything® Kids) by Joni Levine
The Everything Toddler Activities Book: Games And Projects That Entertain And Educate (Everything® Kids) by Joni Levine PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Keeping toddlers happy and stimulated at the same time isn't easy - as any parent can tell you. But in The Everything Toddler Activities Book, parents find hundreds of exercises that keep youngsters smiling even as they advance their mental and physical growth. Designed to challenge their minds as well as their bodies, these activities include active play, art, and movement exploration as well as memory and discovery games, crafts, and nursery songs.
Includes age-appropriate activities for:
- Going to the playground, park, and beach
- Building social and emotional skills
- Traveling by car or plane
- Practicing movement and dance
- Celebrating seasons and holidays
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