Minggu, 12 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Child Development: Theories and Critical Perspectives (International Texts in Developmental Psychology) by Rosalyn H. Shute, Phillip T. Slee

Child Development: Theories and Critical Perspectives (International Texts in Developmental Psychology) by Rosalyn H. Shute, Phillip T. Slee

Child Development: Theories and Critical Perspectives (International Texts in Developmental Psychology)

Child Development: Theories and Critical Perspectives (International Texts in Developmental Psychology) by Rosalyn H. Shute, Phillip T. Slee PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Child Development: Theories and Critical Perspectives provides an engaging and perceptive overview of both well-established and recent theories in child and adolescent psychology. This unique summary of traditional scientific perspectives alongside critical post-modern thinking will provide readers with a sense of the historical development of different schools of thought. The authors also place theories of child development in philosophical and cultural contexts, explore links between them, and consider the implications of theory for practice in the light of the latest thinking and developments in implementation and translational science.

Early chapters cover mainstream theories such as those of Piaget, Skinner, Freud, Maccoby and Vygotsky, whilst later chapters present interesting lesser-known theorists such as Sergei Rubinstein, and more recent influential theorists such as Esther Thelen. The book also addresses lifespan perspectives and systems theory, and describes the latest thinking in areas ranging from evolutionary theory and epigenetics, to feminism, the voice of the child and Indigenous theories.

The new edition of Child Development has been extensively revised to include considerable recent advances in the field. As with the previous edition, the book has been written with the student in mind, and includes a number of useful pedagogical features including further reading, discussion questions, activities, and websites of interest.

Child Development: Theories and Critical Perspectives will be essential reading for students on advanced courses in developmental psychology, education, social work and social policy, and the lucid style will also make it accessible to readers with little or no background in psychology.

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Child Development: Theories and Critical Perspectives (International Texts in Developmental Psychology) by Rosalyn H. Shute, Phillip T. Slee EPub

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