A National Force: The Evolution of Canada's Army, 1950-2000 (Studies in Canadian Military History) by Peter Kasurak
A National Force: The Evolution of Canada's Army, 1950-2000 (Studies in Canadian Military History) by Peter Kasurak PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This landmark book dispels the idea that the period between the Second World War and the unification of the armed services in 1968 constituted the Canadian Army's "golden age." Drawing on recently declassified documents, Peter Kasurak depicts an era clouded by the military leadership's failure to loosen the grasp of British army culture, produce its own doctrine, and advise political leaders effectively. The discrepancy between the army's goals and the Canadian state's aspirations as a peacemaker in the postwar world resulted in a series of civilian-military crises that ended only when the scandal of the Somalia Affair in 1993 forced reform.From reader reviews:
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