Kamis, 24 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Geriatric Dosage Handbook: Including Clinical Recommendations and Monitoring Guidelines

Geriatric Dosage Handbook: Including Clinical Recommendations and Monitoring Guidelines

Geriatric Dosage Handbook: Including Clinical Recommendations and Monitoring Guidelines

Geriatric Dosage Handbook: Including Clinical Recommendations and Monitoring Guidelines PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Geriatric Dosage Handbook, 21st edition, is a valuable resource for healthcare providers facing the challenges of appropriate medication use in older adults. This handbook follows a dictionary-like format, with brand and generic drug names alphabetically organized and cross-referenced. Monographs feature geriatric-sensitive information, including drug interactions and drug closing in the elderly, in adults, and in patients with renal and/or hepatic impairment. They also include the latest Beers Criteria (2015 update) for risk assessment of drugs to avoid or use with caution in older adults. Endorsed by the American Pharmacist Association (APhA), the Geriatric Dosage Handbook is the choice of many leading clinicians to help improve medication safety and enhance patient care among the geriatric population. Includes: 1029 Total Drug Monographs; 40 Fields of Information per Monograph; More than 130 Appendix Pages.

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Geriatric Dosage Handbook: Including Clinical Recommendations and Monitoring Guidelines EPub

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