Senin, 12 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ The Farming Game: Agricultural Management and Marketing by Bill Malcolm, Jack Makeham, Vic Wright

The Farming Game: Agricultural Management and Marketing by Bill Malcolm, Jack Makeham, Vic Wright

The Farming Game: Agricultural Management and Marketing

The Farming Game: Agricultural Management and Marketing by Bill Malcolm, Jack Makeham, Vic Wright PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Farming Game is the agricultural management text for the twenty-first century. The central theme underpinning this text is that the farm management context is most usefully and reliably managed by the application of economic ways of thinking. In this text, the practice of farm management is approached in an integrated way, leaving no significant issues about management uncovered. Finance, investment, decision analysis, management, economic thinking, growth, risk and marketing are critical and exciting domains of interest that are brought together to give the reader a thorough and comprehensive understanding of how the farming situation is best analysed and managed. The text is essential reading for those who seek to manage agricultural businesses well and for those with interest throughout agricultural supply chains who need to understand the character of farms as the core of agribusiness systems.

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