Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Painful Lessons by S.C. Wynne

Painful Lessons by S.C. Wynne

Painful Lessons

Painful Lessons by S.C. Wynne PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

As a freshman both in love and in college, sometimes there are painful lessons to be learned.

Excited to begin his first year of college, Brett Bridgeworth has just one problem: he sucks at math. Luckily there’s the sensual and mysterious math tutor, Jeremy Price, to help him out. It isn't long before Jeremy is tutoring Brett in more than just pie charts, but it isn’t until they split up that Brett discovers Jeremy’s twisted, obsessive side.

Sam Hawthorne is two years ahead of Brett, and they share a strong mutual attraction. When Brett breaks it off with Jeremy and gets involved with Sam, disturbing things start happening. It soon becomes obvious that Jeremy isn't willing to let Brett go without a fight.

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