Programming Entity Framework: Building Data Centric Apps with the ADO.NET Entity Framework by Julia Lerman
Programming Entity Framework: Building Data Centric Apps with the ADO.NET Entity Framework by Julia Lerman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Get a thorough introduction to ADO.NET Entity Framework 4 -- Microsoft's core framework for modeling and interacting with data in .NET applications. The second edition of this acclaimed guide provides a hands-on tour of the framework latest version in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4. Not only will you learn how to use EF4 in a variety of applications, you'll also gain a deep understanding of its architecture and APIs.
Written by Julia Lerman, the leading independent authority on the framework, Programming Entity Framework covers it all -- from the Entity Data Model and Object Services to WCF Services, MVC Apps, and unit testing. This book highlights important changes for experienced developers familiar with the earlier version.
- Understand the core concepts you need to make the best use of the EF4 in your applications
- Learn to query your data, using either LINQ to Entities or Entity SQL
- Create Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET Web Forms, and ASP.NET MVC applications
- Build and consume WCF Services, WCF Data Services, and WCF RIA Services
- Use Object Services to work directly with your entity objects
- Create persistent ignorant entities, repositories, and write unit tests
- Delve into model customization, relationship management, change tracking, data concurrency, and more
- Get scores of reusable examples -- written in C# (with notes on Visual Basic syntax) -- that you can implement right away
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